Xem phim Hoắc Gia Quyền: Uy Chấn Sơn Hà - Tập Full

Shocking Kungfu Of HUO's (2018)

Tragedy struck when Hà Đại Xuyên sacrificed himself to protect his sworn brother, Hoắc Chấn Sơn, who was under attack. Twenty years later, Hoắc Chấn Sơn established a martial arts school in Shanghai, determined to find and train the two children of Hà Đại Xuyên. In a thrilling double combat match at the black belt arena, Hoắc Chấn Sơn emerged victorious against all opponents, refusing any prize money. Among the spectators, Thạch Đầu watched in awe and admiration, unaware that he was actually the long-lost son of Hà Đại Xuyên. The unfolding drama revealed a bond that transcended time and fate, uniting them in an unexpected twist of destiny.

Mẹo: Chọn Server hoặc Nguồn phát khác khi lỗi!
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